16 March 2010

The Femivore's Dilemma

I stumbled upon this NY Times article via eastside bride today.

It brings up some really interesting points about modern homemakers.
I recommend reading it.

24 January 2010


garrett and i got a van. a serious van. we're going to make it our travelin' van. campin' van. i can't wait.

check this out.

hallelujah cover...

i just heard this cover of leonard cohen's song from this blog. it's amazing.
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17 January 2010

my ring

From Blogger Pictures

I love it. It belonged to Garrett's great great grandmother. It's old. And beautiful.

rainy day reading

Since beginning this neverending wedding planning thing, I have come across some amazing blogs. Not just wedding ones, but fashion and design ones, too (thank you google reader!). There are a few blogs that i really do reccommend reading, whoever you are.
one is called TEN THOUSAND ONLY
Unfortunately, she is not posting anymore because she is done with her wedding. She is seriously funny, though. Totally worth reading.

Great fashion.

The last one I recommend reading is one I came upon today, which actually made me want to write this post. It's called WHAT POSSESSED ME and it is hilarious. Maybe I just find her humour and approach to the whole pre-wedding process just so funny.

Since it's nice and rainy outside, why not curl up by the fire (or heater) and read some fun blogs, huh?